Below are some case examples whereby Dr Dilan has had the privilege of being able to help his patients get closer to their dental goals.
Lower dentures can be notoriously loose & difficult to chew with. Here the lower teeth and gums have been restored using a secured implant bridge
After suffering several fractures following a knock during a Rugby match, this gentleman’s smile was restored using a combination of Implants & Composite Bonding.
For cases whereby the loss of all the teeth for a jaw is planned, the All-on-4 technique is used to provide patients with a fixed non-removable tooth replacement; with better chewing ability, appearance and comfort compared to dentures.
Over time we will all experience some form of wear and tear as we age. For this gentleman, a fracture initiated the decision to improve his oral health.
As we go about our daily lives, we can sometimes develop unfavourable habits such as clenching or grinding of our teeth. Here, we have a case with established tooth wear which has resulted in repeated tooth-filling fractures.
For this lovely model, we used composite bonding techniques to help close up the spaces between the teeth without sacrificing any healthy tooth structure to our dental drills!