Case 2. Gap Reduction
For this lovely patient, her teeth were restored using multiple White Composite Fillings (Direct Composite Veneer). The technique used involves adhering a durable layer to the teeth to correct their shape; and treat any fractures or discolourations. Treatment can usually be completed without the need for local anaesthetic (No injections!, over a single dental appointment.
Well done dental work should be difficult to locate and should harmonise with the existing smile. In this case we chose not to completely close the space between the two front teeth as it would leave the patient with exceptionally wide central incisors.
Before ( (immediately following removal of failing existing previous restorations)
After (Composite restorations for front 5 teeth)
For many patients, a Direct Composite Veneer restoration can provide an instant durable aesthetic result. They can also be easily repaired on the spot when they experience wear and tear over the years- giving patients an easily maintainable result.
It is important to discuss with your dentist which treatment modality best suits your needs. For other patients, a ceramic veneer restoration could be a more appropriate restoration for them. We pride ourselves on taking the time to have these discussions to ensure the very best care is delivered for every one of our patients.
Indicating where composite has been used to alter the shape of the teeth
Price range for Composite restorations: Small or single surface £100, Medium 1-2 surfaces from £125-£150, 3 surfaces or more from £150-200
Composite Veneers/Bonding on front teeth: from £150-200 per tooth