Why might I need a Root Canal Treatment?
The pulp chamber is located within the rough centre of the tooth and contains blood vessels and nerve fibres which help us too feel hot/cold/pain. Any trauma or damage from: deep decay, fractures & knocks to the face or in rare cases- orthodontic movements can lead to symptoms of pain.
If the damage is severe enough, the nerve and blood supply to the tooth becomes disrupted or cut off completely- and it is this sequence of events which usually leads to the development of a persisting infection both within and around the base of the tooth within the bone. The bodies usual immune defences and antibiotics are unable to reach the source of the infection within the tooth due to the loss of blood supply, and so are generally not the first line of treatment for these types of infections.
When the above events occur, oddly enough, we do not always feel pain. However, if an infected tooth is left untreated; this can lead to the infection spreading within the jaw bone. In many cases, this can lead to sudden pain, facial swellings, abscesses and sometimes surgery to the face to treat them.
What is Root Canal Treatment?
Root canal treatment describes the technique used to clear the infection located within the tooth. It is generally painless in the majority of cases, and can be completed usually across 1-3 appointments depending on complexity.
The technique is illustrated in the helpful video produced by Colgate and involves drilling a channel through the top of the tooth to access the nerve, cleaning and disinfecting of the root system, followed by the sealing of the chamber. The procedure usually takes at least an hour but can require multiple appointments to complete due to the intricate nature of the root system.
Root canal treatment generally has a high success rate over years/decades, and in cases where it fails- the opportunity to re-perform it can be taken. This is termed a Root canal Retreatment.
Price Range: Incisors from £250, Premolars from £350, Molars from £500, Re-treatment cases above prices +£150.
More detailed information on Root Canal Treatment can be found on the British Endodontic Society’s webpage.